About us

AGM 2024 Documents

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 29 June at York. Learn More>>>

These documents are usually posted under Members\Governance. However, links are provided here for ease of access.

Nomination Form for WSWA Management Committee: Members are encourage to consider how you can support your society my contributing by nominating for the committee. Download the form here and have a go, LINK

Nomination Form for WSWA Sub Committees: Another way members can contribute to the society’s activities is to join a sub committee. Download the form here, LINK

Download the State Conference and AGM forms here:

Registration form

Proxy form

York Accommodation guide

WSWA annual financial statement

WSWA Auditor’s Report

BCF annual financial statement

BCF Auditor’s Report

About Us

The Wildflower Society of Western Australia Inc. (WSWA) was established in 1958 to promote the value of our natural bushland. The Society does this through regular meetings and excursions, native plant sales, bushland plant surveys, book sales, donations, and attendance at relevant events. The Society has been an affiliated Member Society of the Australian Native Plants Society for many years with regular contact between the Regions, each operating independently and being responsible for managing its own affairs and memberships.

Since its beginning, the Society’s Presidents have been:

  • Les 0’Grady 1958 – 1962
  • Judy Hamersley 1962 – 1964
  • Alan Mummery 1964 – 1967
  • Harold (Spike) Daniels 1967 – 1968
  • Mary Smith 1968 – 1969
  • Barry Moss 1969 – 1973
  • Magda Wittwer 1973 – 1976
  • Neville Marchant 1976 – 1979
  • John Colwill 1979 – 1982
  • Claire Welsh 1982 – 1985
  • Marion Blackwell 1985 – 1988
  • Don Wignall 1988 – 1991
  • Tom Alford 1991 – 1994
  • John Robertson 1994 – 1995
  • Annemieke Homes 1995 – 1998
  • Brian Moyle 1998 – 2001
  • Janet Atkins 2001 – 2004
  • Jim Barrow 2004 – 2005
  • Michael Wakefield 2005 – 2006
  • Joan Francis 2006 – 2007
  • Kerry Smith 2007 – 2010
  • Anne Pilgrim 2010 – 2011
  • Eddy Wajon 2011 – 2014
  • Sue Dempster 2014 – 2015
  • Geoff Corrick 2016 – 2019
  • Kevin Thiele 2019 – 2021

Getting involved with the Wildflower Society will give you direct access to an unmatched, independent depth of technical knowledge of WA’s wildflowers based on the work of its members and activities of its branches.

This knowledge can be easily accessed to help you to better know, grow, conserve and enjoy the wildflowers of Western Australia

We are well known for running events that provide massive value and are greatly enjoyed. These events are an opportunity to soak up the fantastic knowledge of members who love to share their passion for Western Australia’s wildflowers. Importantly, the events provide you with endless opportunities to get out and enjoy the wonderful beauty of Western Australia’s wildflowers.

The Wildflower Society currently has eleven branches across the South West of Western Australia. Most have monthly meetings and activities.

See our Events Calendar and join us.


More information:

  • Why join the Wildflower Society?  See the benefits of membership here.
  • The Wildflower Society of W.A. believes that the conservation of our remaining bushland heritage is of paramount importance. The philosophy of conservation of the beautiful and unique wildflowers of the West is encapsulated in our ten principles of flora conservation:  Principles of Flora Conservation.
  • The Society acknowledges the significant contribution of its members with its Wildflower Society Award which is the premier award of the WSWA (Inc.). It is awarded to the person, or group, judged to have most advanced the aims of the Society.
  • An Honorary Life Membership is awarded to members who have rendered special or meritorious service to the Society.
  • A short History of the Wildflower Society of Western Australia.