Have you thought of making a future donation to support the Society? One way is to include a bequest to the Wildflower Society of Western Australia Inc. in your Will. This would help the Society continue its work in promoting the flora of Western Australia and its protection.
The Society welcomes bequests that can be in the form of:
- gifts of cash;
- the whole or percentage of an estate;
- real estate or stocks and shares.
A donor may wish funds to be directed to a specific area or activity of the Society or wish their bequest to be used at the Society’s Management Committee’s discretion.
The Society recommends that bequest donors seek professional advice in arranging a bequest.
Suggested wording for a bequest to the Society can include the following wording:
I bequeath [the whole/a percentage/something specific/residue] of my estate to the Wildflower Society of Western Australia Incorporated for purposes that it shall determine, and this bequest will be free from all duties. The receipt of this bequest by any authorised officer of the Wildflower Society of Western Australia Incorporated shall form valid discharge to my executor
Enquiries contact the Treasurer EMAIL