The Wildflower Society of WA newsletter (August 2017, Vol 55 No 3) has now been published electronically. Members who have elected to receive electronic copies of the newsletter have been notified. The printed newsletter should be posted to those who have requested a hard copy (no green discount) in the next several weeks.
You may view the newsletter online by going to the ‘Members’ tab at the top of the page, then ‘Newsletters’ at the side of the page. If you are having trouble logging in, it may be that your membership is overdue. Please ring Perry House to enquire during office hours, or email at any time. You can set up your membership online (which will be activated when payment processed) or ring the office to use your credit card.
Front cover: Roadside Grevillea dielsiana (red) and G. commutata subsp commutata flowering profusely with extra nutrients and water. Photo Bronwen Keighery