Albany Branch


                 Bettys Beach    

The Albany Wildflower Show

The Wildflower Show is a great exhibition which features over 500 local & named Wildflower specimens.

It is held at the St John’s Hall, York St, Albany. This year the dates are Wed 18th to Sat 21st September 2024.

Opening hours are from 9am to 4pm, Wed -Fri, 9am to 1pm Sat. Admission is Adults $5.50 and children are free.

                Speakers and Walks for 2024                

Monthly Tuesday meeting with a Speaker commencing at 7.30pm the DBCA conference room at 120 Albany Hwy, Albany

July Calendar

Wednesday July 10th;  TBA

Tuesday Meeting July 16th at 7.30pm; the Speaker will be Emerson Lamond, a self-taught amateur bryologist giving a talk on Bryophytes, Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts of WA

Saturday July 20th; Mt Martin Botanical Park, Ledge Beach Rd.


‘The Coastlands’ brochure that shows the Flora of Albany

from Nullaki to Betty’s Beach has had several name changes.

Coastlands update     With the Expert Knowledge of the Albany Herbarum Volunteers led by Eileen Rodgers, an ‘Addendum’ has been put together to be inserted into the Brochure.  By downloading the attached PDF –      Coastlands Update, and printing it you will find the information of the old name with its new name to add into your Coastlands Brochure.

The Albany Branch is a small and dedicated group that run a number of activities. A Wildflower Show is organized every September, as are regular excursions and meetings with guest speakers. The Branch plays a large role in coordinating the Albany Herbarium. The Group is passionate about conservation issues in the area.

The Branch meetings are now held at the DBCA conference room, 120 Albany Hwy, Albany on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.(except January & September). The AGM is held at the February meeting. There is usually a Walk on the following Saturday, members meet to car-pool at a relevant spot in Albany at 9am to travel to a local Reserve or National Park.

President : Heather Anderson  0429 200 789

Secretary : Jo Kempin             0428 241 225


Albany Herbarium

The Albany Herbarium is located at the rear of DBCA, entry is the corner of Moir & Hymus Streets, (Black gate). If you want to access the Herbarium to use the resources or to volunteer it is best to contact the Co-ordinators first.

The Herbarium is open Tuesday & Wednesday from 9am to 12noon.

Co-ordinator :  Wendy Minchin  9845 1220.

Email :      (checked Tuesdays & Wednesdays)

Address : Albany Herbarium,  c/o DBCA 120 Albany Hwy Albany 6330