South West Capes Branch 2024

First activity June 2016

Our branch has members in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Cape to Cape region and extending to Busselton, Capel, Nannup, and even further afield.

Our closest branch to the south is the Albany Branch, and to the north, the metropolitan branches.

Subscribe to our South West Capes e-newsletter  here.

Our library

We have been given several collections, and welcome donations of books.  The library collections are housed in member’s homes.

Flora books are available from the branch’s collection. To borrow a book, please email the branch email address:

We are restricting access to current Wildflower Society members.

Lists of the collections can be found here.


Sunday 25th February 2024
Duggan Pavilion, Cowaramup
2.00pm Doors open 1.30pm
$2 members/$3 visitors at the door. Also book sales.
Talk: Jane Scott – Wildflowers and Wetland Plants of the Margaret River and its Hinterland

Sunday 24th March 2024
Duggan Pavilion, Cowaramup
2.00pm Doors open 1.30pm
$2 members/$3 visitors at the door. Also book sales.
Talk: Ken Patterson

Wednesday 1st May 2024 2.00pm
Geographe Community Landcare Nursery
John Ewing talk on Grevilleas, particularly our local Grevilleas.

Monday 20th May 2024 7.30pm
Zoom workshop with Richard Clark
Some of the online databases to be used: Florabase, AVH, Roleystone, Nindethana, ANPSA, APS-NSW, PlantNET (NSW), POWO (Kew) , GBIF, …
To register and receive a Zoom invitation, please email Richard: [about 1 hour]

[Repeated 31st May 2024 7.30pm]
Notes Flora Database Tutorials 20 and 31 May 2024

Sunday 26th May 2024 1.00pm
Citizen Science Project – Dead Tree Detective
Location: Ambergate Reserve – meet at the information shelter, intersection of Doyle Rd and Queen Elizabeth Ave, Ambergate.

Sunday 16th June 2024 2.00pm
Brian Trainer talks about orchids
Orchids of the South West Capes: fire response, low rainfall impacts, and overcoming difficulties with identification

Duggan Pavilion, Cowaramup
2.00pm Doors open 1.30pm
$5 members/$10 visitors at the door. Also book sales.

Saturday – Sunday 29-30 June 2024
State Conference (York)

Monday 5th August 2024 2.00pm
Talk and demo by Dr Carl Barry about his suite of propagation products including the Clonex range.
At Geographe Community Landcare Nursery

Friday 16th August 2024 10.00am
Garden visit – a large garden in Vasse. More details soon.
RSVP to Richard Clark

Sunday 25th August 2024
Walk in the Whicher National Park with Ben Lullfitz
More details soon about an RSVP

October 2024 – date and time soon
Walk with Jane Scott and Jenny Kikeros in the Upper Margaret River.
More details soon about an RSVP

Friday 8th November 2024
Bay OK Day Dunsborough


Enquiries for our contact/e-newsletter list:
Richard Clark (Secretary) 0427 385 551


There are no upcoming events.