Book launch – “A Field Guide to the Flora of the Tarin Rock Reserves”

Book launch – “A Field Guide to the Flora of the Tarin Rock Reserves”

At an event held 31 July 2021, was the Perth launch by Dr Kevin Thiele (Society’s president) of Jolanda Keeble’s book “A Field Guide to the Flora of the Tarin Rock Reserves”.  Tarin Rock is located between Dumbleyung and Lake Grace, approximately 300 km south-east of Perth. Jolanda has been visiting the area monthly between 2018 and 2020 documenting the flora that can be seen when traversing the roads and tracks in, and surrounding, the Tarin Rock Nature Reserve (2,011 ha) and adjacent Tarin Rock Water Reserve (356 ha). Some 624 plant species were recorded – 247 species not previously recorded for the reserves; 32 species of conservation concern (Threatened & Priority species); 30 species of weeds and 18 species providing an extension of the known distribution.

Apart from being useful for people travelling through the area to fully appreciate the biodiversity of the area, the book will be useful to local landholders and local authorities in landscape restoration.

Kevin Thiele and Jolanda Keeble