Helena and Aurora Range campaign

The Helena and Aurora Range, about 100 kms north east of Southern Cross, has been called a jewel in the Great Western Woodlands. It has a unique landscape with the range swirling above the surrounding woodland and sandplain. It is home to five endemic plant species and eleven priority plant species, as well as four species of threatened fauna.

It has been recommended for inclusion in the conservation estate for more than forty years, with the most recent statement in the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority 2012-13 Annual Report on page 24. The Wildflower Society has been working for its protection for more than ten years and has now joined a coalition of environment groups calling for the creation of a national park in the area. This Banded Ironstone Formation (BIF)Range has been the target of mining companies over the last twelve years.

Visit helenaaurorarange.com.au for more information