Presentation of the 2021 ‘Wildflower Society Award’ to Judith Harvey

Presentation of the 2021 ‘Wildflower Society Award’ to Judith Harvey

At an event held 31 July 2021, was the presentation of the 2021 ‘Wildflower Society Award’ by Dr Kevin Thiele (Society’s president) to Judith Harvey.  Until recently, Judith was the Plant Survey Volunteer Co-ordinator for the Society, but has had to relinquish this role due to health problems.

Both Kevin and Bronwen Keighery gave a summary of Judith’s work within the society over the past 35 years before Judith gave a short speech in reply.  Four generations of Judith’s family were in attendance for the presentation. Congratulations!

The Award citation reads ….. for her long time contribution to the Society and advancing its aims through her work with the Plant Survey Program and other numerous botanical involvements.