Mound Springs are a distinctive wetland type in the Kimberley and adjacent regions in Western Australia and are listed as threatened or priority ecological communities. Until recent survey work by DBCA most have been poorly described and their biodiversity values not well understood. The presentation will focus the flora and vegetation of these unique wetlands in an otherwise seasonally
arid landscape.
Dr Christine Allen joined the travelers from across Australia to explore the Kimberley with the Traditional Custodians and she shares her very unique experience with us. Christine is the Secretary of the Murdoch Branch.
In late July, I joined a group of 24 travellers from across Australia to explore the Kimberley for a week. But this wasn’t any tourist trip, we were meeting and staying with Traditional Custodians to hear their stories and understand their fight for land. And what an eye- opening trip it was!
We all met in Broome and started the trip by exploring Roebuck Bay with Bart Pigram. We tried our hand at collecting oysters just like Bart’s family has done for many thousands of years. Bart also showed us an ancient waterhole and meeting place for tribes around the region. This water hole was on an rise surrounded by salt flats with samphire and there were old conch shells which were used to collect the water.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed lacus et neque consequat euismod at ac odio. Vestibulum viverra urna orci, elementum dignissim sapien interdum vestibulum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed lacus et neque consequat euismod at ac odio. Vestibulum viverra urna orci, elementum dignissim sapien interdum vestibulum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed lacus et neque consequat euismod at ac odio. Vestibulum viverra urna orci, elementum dignissim sapien interdum vestibulum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed lacus et neque consequat euismod at ac odio. Vestibulum viverra urna orci, elementum dignissim sapien interdum vestibulum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed lacus et neque consequat euismod at ac odio. Vestibulum viverra urna orci, elementum dignissim sapien interdum vestibulum.
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