Open Garden at Eddy and Donna’s

The Wildflower Society of Western Australia held a very successful Open Garden for members on Saturday afternoon 18 June at the home of Eddy and Donna Wajon. More than 70 people came to have a peek at a normal suburban garden that had been transformed over the last 15 years from a traditional garden with some native plants and lots of lawn into a garden that was predominantly full of (mostly) Western Australian native plants.

Donna Wajon was busy serving a lovely afternoon tea with fresh strawberry snow-covered pine trees, blonde and chocolate brownies, lemon syrup cake and devilled eggs. She also served up tea and coffee, including tea made from Lemon Scent Grass (Cympogon obtectus) grown, collected and dried from their own native garden.

Eddy had his hand full taking numerous tours through the front and back garden, weaving amongst the more than 150 species of dense, randomly-distributed, labelled plants, naming them and talking about them.

He discussed where they came from, whether bought as tubestock from Wildflower Society or Friends of Kings Park plant sales, won at Wildflower Society meeting door prizes, obtained from rescue digs from big infrastructure projects such as roads and hospitals, or germinated from excess plant material, containing fruit, thrown out into the garden from his photographic and collection trips (under license). Although it was mid winter, there were numerous plants in flower, of most colours from red through orange to white, including the iconic Scarlet Featherflower (Verticordia grandis), Cockies Tongues (Templetonia retusa), Sea Urchin Hakea (Hakea petiolaris), Grevillea maxwellii and Hairpin Banksia (Banksia spinulosa), Hooker’s Banksia (Banksia hookeriana), Golden Dryandra (Dryandra nobilis) and Pear-fruited Mallee (Eucalyptus pyriformis). Plants propagated by the Northern Suburbs Branch of the Wildflower Society were available for sale, and they were so popular that 90% of the plants were sold.

People took away sachets of the popular Lemon Scent Grass tea, and looked at a display of Eddy’s photographs, including of orchids and of some plants that will feature in his up-coming (November) presentation at the Murdoch Branch of the Wildflower Society on the Flora of Hyden.

Members from most Branches of the Wildflower Society came along to enjoy perfect weather, gregarious company, and beneficial discussion and interest about plants and native gardens, so that more Wildflower Society Open Gardens are planned for the future. Stay tuned so you don’t miss out.

Dr Eddy Wajon

Open Garden at Eddy’s


Eddy and Donna Wajon are opening their Western Australian Native Garden to all members of Wildflower Society of WA. Eddy lives in Melville district – please email Eddy on to RSVP and get his address.

They have the unusual, the rare, the rescued and the beautiful: several species of Banksia, Hakea, Grevillea, Dryandra, Eucalyptus and Verticordia and also Conostylis, Acacia, Isopogon, Melaleuca and Templetonia + grasses, sedges, lilies and groundcovers. They come in reds, pinks, yellows, whites, oranges and blues. Come along to see what can be grown on Bassendean sand and share ideas on how to keep them alive in this age of climate change and drought.

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